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I’m so excited to be back writing on this poorly, neglected blog of mine. Life happens, and you just have to move on. Whether you like it or not, this will be more of a place to update the happenings in our adventurous life, with little extras here and there of things God is teaching me.

Changes are happening in the lives of my little family, and we are so excited to see all God is doing. There may be too many posts about how much I strongly, dislike…no…HATE, packing. (We’re moving!!) There may be posts of how much I love my two little girls, and how I wish I could take a vacation from life.

This blog is all about being real. I want people to see how this Jesus lovin’, youth pastor’s wife, mother of two princesses, crisis pregnancy center director, crazy friend, reality TV junky, introverted extrovert, does life(and by the way, I am no expert, on any of those things). And I want us to do it together. I want this to be a place where we can laugh about the snot on our yoga pants, where we can cry because we feel lonely, and where we can learn to love better the God who has given us grace beyond what we ever deserved. This isn’t just for Moms, or for those that are married. Although, that’s what I know best. My hope is that any women, teen girl, young lady can feel more loved by our Jesus who CHOSE them. So there’s that. 🙂

I wanted to share something quickly with y’all. (I’m a Michigan girl, turned Okie, so yes I will say y’all way too many times. OK? OK.)

Today in a true moment of weakness, you know the ones, where you are one step away from a major cry fest. Like the tears are about to break through the gates, and there is no stopping them. Where faith in anything is dwindling quickly. I knew there was no other cure, no other comfort, than to turn to the Word. I started reading in Micah 7. In this chapter Micah is writing about how awful things have gotten around him. That it seems as if there is no one left to trust, or put hope in. He’s waiting though. He’s waiting for the ONE that will defeat all evil, that will wash the sins away from every person, that will bring a hope no one has ever experienced. He knew there would be a Savior, and Micah was waiting. In Micah 7:7 it says:

“But as for me, I will look to the Lord:I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me.”

How much faith do we have in the God of our salvation? When all seems lost, your heart is broken, or you just simply don’t understand the circumstances around you, how much faith do you put in Him delivering you from it? Saying what Micah said at the end of verse 7, “my God will hear me”, took faith! He didn’t say, I think my God might hear me. Or, maybe my God will hear me IF I were a different person, and didn’t mess up so much. Maybe He’ll hear me IF I didn’t have so much baggage, and my life didn’t look so messed up. NO dear heart, no, no, no. He KNEW that His God was going to hear his prayers, and He was going to send a Savior to redeem the world. Have faith in our God. Believe that when you seek Him, and cry out to Him, that He hears you. Look to Him in every circumstance. When you’re sick, look to Him for healing. When you’re sad, look to Him for joy. When you’re weary, look to Him for rest.

Even though Micah believed & had faith, he never did get to see Jesus come in his day. When you seek, and ask, don’t be discouraged that His answer isn’t immediate. There is much growing, and learning that can be done in waiting. He will deliver somehow, someway, sometime. We serve a faithful God friends. Praise Him for that today!

And, I don’t know about you, but I have a pretty cute writing buddy!

Ellie Grace


Ellie Grace 3 1/2 years old