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The last 6 weeks has been quite a whirlwind for my little family. The last week in May I had surgery, we moved into a new house, and my husband left for the first youth camp of the Summer. That started off our June with a bang, and after two more camps and VBS, we have made it into July! And when I say made it, I really mean we barely survived holding on for dear life. Youth ministry is no joke friends. But it’s the most wonderfully, beautiful thing, ever.

Not having internet at our new house all last month, was actually more refreshing than I ever thought it would be. Sometimes we become so consumed in the world of social media than we realize, so it was a nice little break from checking my Facebook all the time.

Speaking of a new house…We moved!! I don’t really know how it happened, but it did. And once again, we survived. But not without the help of some AMAZING people who brought us meals, watched our littles, prayed for us, let me cry to them about how tired I was, and even cleaned the filthy bathrooms that the precious owner left us. Our community of people around, never fail to show us love.

And right now, tonight, I can not seem to drift off in to a peaceful slumber, because tomorrow I am headed on a whole new adventure. One to which I have never encountered before.
This time tomorrow I will be on a plane headed for London, with a final
destination of, South Africa. Myself, and 20 other adults & high school students will be headed to South Africa to bring the hope of Jesus to the people there. Like, seriously get to love on people who may never have heard the name of Jesus before. And what could be more life-changing, than taking the time to go to an AIDS hospice, and tell those beautiful people that they matter. That even though everyone else is telling them that they are unclean, and worthless, we get to tell them that there is a God who loves them just as they are. May redemption be clear & received. I am almost certain that this trip will wreck me, and everyone going, in the best way possible.

I have gotten the question, “Why are you going?”, more than once. And I know so many people have wondered how/why I am leaving my girls for 11 days. Here’s the thing, this isn’t the easiest thing to do. But that’s partly why mission trips are so special. It is about sacrifice. And sometimes sacrifice feels like the first tug of a really sticky band-aid, it hurts. But the taking a chance, and pulling it all at once, offers much relief.
I know, I know, you’re thinking, “who’s this lady with the crazy band-aid analogy?”. The truth is, I am just a girl who loves God more than anything in this world, who experienced the saving grace of a Redeemer, and wants to listen to the command:

{19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. ~Matthew 28:19-30}

If I am being totally truthful, this journey was met with many fears and anxiety. I have a horrible{like I make up the worst case scenarios in my head, and freak myself out and end up in the fetal position} fear of flying. So the idea of having two 10 hour+ flights to get there, was almost enough to move along and not think about it again. I have never been away from my one year old, more than a night, so leaving both my girls for 11 days was simply just not doable.

But the power of God is INCREDIBLE friends. It moves in you, to do things you never dreamed before. I knew the moment I heard about this trip, that I needed to go. So I immediately began to pray. To pray for the courage to say yes. To do something bigger than myself, and go tell people there is a God who brings hope, forgiveness, and new LIFE.

My husband is the most amazing man I know. He is so graciously allowing me to leave the country for almost two weeks, while he takes care of our two little girls. Summer in youth ministry is exhausting, and yet he is sacrificing his restful moments, to allow me to GO. Thank you Dustin.

We would all appreciate prayers for our team, for our families at home, for safe/smooth travels, and for the hearts of the people we will encounter. May they be open, may they accept the hope of the gospel, and may we see souls saved. I can not wait to begin this adventure tomorrow. Jesus, work in us, for you. I know You will. Because when He says, “GO”, He means it.

{For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.~John 13:15}

{A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.~John 13:34,35}